Royal Arches with Bill & Felix

I must have climbed the Royal Arches at least 25 times with times varying from a full day to 1hr 10 minutes solo.   In the summer of 1988 Bill and I were joined by Felix Rigau and we climbed the route by moonlight. ‘Always wanted to do that.  About halfway up we stopped for a few hours snooze.  It was like totally awesome and I was like “wow” and Felix was like “where are we?”  and Bill was like “about halfway up” and Felix was like “that’s radical” and I was like “lets not rest too long” and Bill was like “ok”  and I was like “ok” and Felix was like “ok, ok” and Bill was like “just wake me up at noon no matter what pitch I’m leading” and I was like “ok” and Felix was like “uh, ok..” and I was like “but which way should we go” and Bill was like “how ’bout this way….dude?”

he great route-finder once again points the way to the future.