
 I meant to tell mankind to aspire to a new state about which I could tell them little or nothing, to teach them to tread a long and lonely path which might or might not lead thither, to bid them dare to encounter all possible perils of nature unknown, to abandon all their settled manners of living and to cut themselves off from their past and their environment, and to attempt a quixotic adventure with no resources beyond their native strength and sagacity,  I had done it myself and found not only that the pearl of great price  was worth far more than I possessed, but that the very perils and privations of the quest were themselves my dearest memories.  I was certain of this at least:  that nothing in the world except this was worth doing.

Aleister Crowley, 1908
Mountaineer and Black Magician


Amongst my greatest regrets is that, in more than 40 years of climbing, usually for reasons of speed but just as often for reasons of laziness and neglect – I didn’t take more photos.   Consequently these images represent a small portion of my experience and reflect  not so much what was photo-worthy, though they all are, but rather those periods of time that I happened to have a camera.  There are many photos of many climbs out there, taken by others.  Those folks know who they are and if they stumble across my little site,  it would be great to hear from them and swap images.  Consequently this page will be updated regularly …I hope.  

Climbing above Tenaya Lake, Tuolomne 1992
South Face of Clyde Minaret, ,High Sierra  w/Alfred Tao 1988
East Face of Mt. Whitney, High Sierra, w/Martha 2002
5.10c Hand Crack, Yosemite unroped solo
North Face of Mt Atabasca, Alberta,  unroped solo
Giant Sequoia Tree, Yosemite, w/Todd Hoitsma, Rob Warren, Bill Lester , 1987
Corrugation Corner, Tahoe, California, unroped solo
Lost Arrow Spire , Yosemite,  solo
Steck-Salathe Route, Yosemite, w/Eric James
Barre Noire Couloir to Barre Des Ecrins, France, w/ Pam and Fredrique
Lost Arrow Spire, Yosemite, w/Marta Prada
Spain, Sierra Nevada and Pyrennes w/ Bill Lester, 1997
Pic Du Midi Ossau, French Pyrennees, w/Bill Lester
Bishop’s Balcony, Yosemite 1976
Exum Ridge Direct, w/Ingrid Nystrom
Refugio Des Amitges, Spannish Pyrennees
A Separate Reality, Yosemite
Royal Arches, Yosemite, w/Bill Lester,Felix Rigau
Martha at Ellery Lake, Tuolomne 2003
South Crack, Tuolomne, w/Martha 1999
Middle Cathederal Rock, East Buttress w/Richard Lake
Castleton Tower, Utah w/Warren Griffin
Castle Mountain, Alberta w/Martha, 1997
Mount Robson, Alberta, unroped solo
Needles, California, Belle Yang, 1985
Mount Shasta, Winter, w/Bruce Pavlik 1972
Mount Whitney, East Buttress w/Bruce Pavlik 1973
North Palisade, U-Notch, California w/Steve Dashe, 1973
Solar Eclipse, Baja, 1991
Rocks above Chatsworth, California,  Jeff Trigg, 1967
Sentinel Rock, Southern Sierra,  1963
Misc., Yosemite, 1977, Katie Draher
Mono Lake Tufa Towers
El Capitan, The Nose, Yosemite w/ Dave McLellan, 1978
East Quarter Dome, Yosemite, w/ Dave McLellan, 1978